Our Programs

We want the best for our scholars.

Our program broadens the definition of family to include the community charged with guiding our youth toward the best versions of themselves. Esperanza Juvenil provides holistic services to foster growth in our scholars and to cultivate their innate resilience.

We succeed when they succeed.

We take a long-term and comprehensive approach.

We support our scholars from childhood through college graduation and beyond, offering a holistic spectrum of programming that evolves with their age and needs.

Program Delivery

Comprehensive Care

Each of our eight residential homes (organized by gender and age group) serves around 12 scholars.

More About Residential Programs
Residential Programs

Young scholars live in one of our family-like, values-centered homes managed by Residential Counselors.

  • We create caring environments with an emphasis on character and responsibility. Children are active participants in all of the daily activities in their homes. They wake each day to do their chores, help the Residential Counselor prepare food, and wash their clothes.
  • We address the needs of the whole child, providing a continuum of care which includes attention to the psychological, emotional, and medical needs of each child.
  • We focus on education. The children in our residential program participate in our educational program, where university graduation is the goal.

All Esperanza Juvenil scholars who come from longer distances in the country’s interior participate in our residential program. We also serve children from Guatemala City who are able to still live with their families. These children participate in our educational programming and receive long-term, holistic support from Esperanza Juvenil. Scholars generally enter Esperanza Juvenil between the ages of 8 and 13, and either live in our homes or participate in our educational programming through college graduation. Esperanza Juvenil collegians and program graduates remain active members of the Boys Hope Girls Hope community by attending Esperanza Juvenil events and supporting the next generation of young scholars as role models and mentors.


Academic Excellence

Our school is certified by the Guatemalan Ministry of Education and offers education from third grade up to 12th grade.

More About Schools

Students participate in classes from 7am to 4pm, Monday through Friday, during 11 months of the year. They receive 2.5 times as many class hours as their Guatemalan counterparts who attend school from 8am to 12pm daily.  Each grade level has a maximum of 20 students to enhance learning. 

In addition to a rigorous academic schedule, students have many opportunities for personal development.  They receive English, cooking, dance and guitar classes, perform in the school traveling choir, and play soccer.  They participate in educational trips and receive visits from local and international leaders. After graduating from Esperanza Juvenil Middle School, participating youth attend top private high schools in Guatemala for two years before entering university.

Esperanza Juvenil provides its youth with the support they need to succeed at the university level.  Twenty young adults who grew up at Esperanza Juvenil are now attending university.  With the help of partial scholarships provided by the universities, Esperanza Juvenil finances the students’ education.  University students work part-time and volunteer 5 hours per month at Esperanza Juvenil as a way of giving back and maintaining a relationship with the younger children as role models and mentors. 

Who We Serve

Esperanza Juvenil serves motivated children from families that suffer from extreme distress. Their lives have been marked by abuse, alcoholism, intra-family and community violence. They come from impoverished backgrounds in which their families cannot support their basic needs. The children come from Guatemala City and from the country’s interior. A third of them speak Spanish as a second language; their first languages include the Mayan languages, Tzutujil, Quiche and Kakchiquel.

Esperanza Juvenil serves a total of 180 young people ages 8 to 25, from which 60% are girls.

Our Local Impact

Esperanza Juvenil currently has 41 university students and 16 graduates!

We have great numbers to represent our success and we often hit 100%. But that’s not where the story ends. There isn’t a number that is large enough to represent the character, ambition, courage and integrity of our young men and women.

“I know that I have had to strive for everything I have achieved so far, like going to college and being here now, but that effort and the help of Esperanza Juvenil have allowed me to achieve all this.”

Brenda, College student

About the BHGH International Network

While Esperanza Juvenil is autonomous, we ascribe to the same Theory of Change and Research-Supported Program Model of all Boys Hope Girls Hope affiliates, which includes: Early Intervention; Long-term Support, Partnership with Parents, Guardians and Families of Origin; Provision of a Stable, Nurturing Environment; Whole Person Development and Growth of Mind, Body and Spirit; Role Models and Mentor Relationships; Encouraging Academic Challenges and Extracurricular Involvement; and Voluntary Application Process for Program Participation.

Our Collegians attend some of the finest colleges and universities.

Invest in the success of our scholars!